Wavefront 3D, CADRazor, Adobe Photoshop, LogiKal, UVMapper, LightWave 3D, Autodesk Maya, IMSI TurboCAD Deluxe, MeshLab, MAXON Cinema 4D, Smith Micro Poser, Autodesk AutoCAD. TurboCAD, GOM Inspect, STL Viewer, Geomagic Explorer, Parametric Technology Creo, Dassault Systemes CATIA, Ke圜reator, MeshLab, SolidWorks, Pro/Engineer, CloudCompare, Blender, AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, Autodesk Inventor, Mechanical Desktop OBJ coordinates have no units, but OBJ files can contain scale information in a human-readable comment line. Vertices are stored in a counter-clockwise order by default, making explicit declaration of face normals unnecessary. The OBJ file format is a simple data format that represents 3D geometry alone - namely, the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex, vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices, and texture vertices. As a result, STL files contain no scale information, and the units are arbitrary. All STL coordinates were required to be positive numbers in the original specification, but this restriction is no longer enforced, and negative coordinates are commonly encountered in STL files today. obj ), provided you find a software tool that supports this function. Most 3D models regardless of their format should be translatable to a common 3D object format (.

We have found 2 software records in our database eligible for. The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors.Īn STL file describes a raw, unstructured triangulated surface by the unit normal and vertices (ordered by the right-hand rule) of the triangles using a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. Convert Autodesk Maya binary scene to 3D object graphics. obj) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for its Advanced Visualizer animation package. Binary files are more common since they are more compact. The STL format specifies both ASCII and binary representations. STL files describe only the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object without representing color, texture, or other common CAD model attributes. It is widely used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing, and computer-aided manufacturing.

Many other software packages support this file format. STL is a file format native to the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems. Model/stl, model/x.stl-ascii, model/x.stl-binary